The best choice for planning your boat trip. Everything you need in one place.
If you've never ridden a Segway, this will be a unique mobility experience for you.
"Usmas garša" offers a tasting of fish dishes from Lake Usma.
Located in the pictures old valley of Abava and mainly focus on the Latvian boating classic - Abava river, but we also sail on other Kurzeme rivers - we deliver boats in Engure, Stende, Imula and Irbe
An upside down house is a house built upside down!!
The first cable wake park in Saldus municipality, located at the Sātiņi-Sesile water reservoir near Saldus town.
Sātiņu - Sesiles ūdenskrātuve, Saldus pagasts, Saldus novads
+371 20332477
"Sofijas laivas" is a Šēferi family company. Since 2007 the main business is canoe and other boat rental in Kurzeme.
9-hole golf course, compliant with competition standards (rounds can be registered for HCP changes). Golf ABC programme (1.5 hours).
This is an adventure game. You become trapped and you have 60 minutes to escape. You have to resolve riddles to escape to freedom.
Baznīcas iela 32, Kuldīga
+371 28728202
Farm “Upeskalni” is one of the first Chinchilla nurseries in Latvia, it is possible to view and pet different colour chinchillas. You can also see Charole meat cows, who live outside all year.
"Upeskalni", Ārlavas pagasts,Talsu novads
+371 63200437,+371 29154018, +371 29168142